Friday, October 24, 2008

Jazz Festival

Hey guys,

There's not too much going on here, so I haven't posted in awhile. I have been going to school with my dad almost everyday, so I am busy doing that. Tonight I plan on going to the Jazz Festival here. It is pretty popular because people from all over the world come here and preform. I don't know what to expect yet, but I have heard there's a lot of people. It lasts for 2 weeks and this weekend is the last weekend. They play a wide range of music. I think they just call is the jazz festival because they don't know what to call it.

They play music from the symphony, Caribbean, and trumpet players. I mean there are a lot of different bands because several play everyday. It is a a huge park here with lots and lots of vendors and there are also several stages too. It should be pretty fun.

Other than that there's not too much going on. I hope everyone is doing good. Talk to you guys later.

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