Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Food

Hey guys,

I hope everything is going good back in the states. It should be getting colder there right? Well, over here it is still around 80 something degrees everyday. At night it seems to be getting cooler, but it feels good. I think maybe it gets to around 70 something at night. It should be getting colder here soon. Depending on where you are in Taiwan, it will be colder. Where I am, it will be cold enough to wear a jacket and pants. Sometimes it cold enough to wear a sweatshirt and a jacket. If I lived further south, I think I might only need a jacket.

You know girls here are kind of the opposite of girls in America in terms of getting a tan. Of course not all the girls here are afraid of the sun. What Cherry told me is that a lot of people here consider it the less tanner you are the cuter you are. In America, I think a lot of people think the tanner you are the cuter you are. Anyways though, so when people ride on the scooters, even if it is 90 degrees outside, they are wearing jackets, gloves, and another jacket to cover their legs. They don't want to get a tan while on the scooter. When they reach their destination, they put all the extra protective clothing in their scooter. There isn't anything wrong with this; it is just a little different than what we are use to.

The other day I bought a nice fake leather jacet at the market. It reminds me of a Brad Pitt leather jacket. What I mean is is that he would wear it. I think its cool, and it looks nice. You can buy all kinds of stuff at the market. Since it will be getting colder soon, people are selling more winter clothing. I will show you guys a picture of it later.

I put some pictures up of some food. The first one is a chocolate bar from Russia. It was white chocolate, and it was really really good. The next picture is Pizza Hut. I thought maybe you guys would like to see their boxes in Chinese. The last picture is some duck! I like to eat duck meat, but I can't try the head. The head is suppose to be really really good, but the meat is good enough for me. I have more food pictures, but I can put those on later.

Ok talk to you guys later on.

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