Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some pictures (i'll add a lot more)

ok so this is a sidewalk. can you tell? its ok for people to park their scooters on it. and to the right where that glass is is 7 11. its the most popular convenient store. riding the scooters is pretty fun, but dirty.

my cool helmet. there are a lot of i guess cheap ones where if you actually did wreck while you are on your scooter i am sure they wouldnt work. the cheap ones i mean cost about $3 theres no way they could work. anyways, i think mine is cool. i also have to wear that black thing to cover my nose and mouth. they make all kinds of those with pictures, words, colors.

so this is just a little menu at mcdonalds. they even have carry out too, which cost like $2 for them to delivery it to you. kind of cool. oh and its 24 hours.

some toys you can get in your happy meals. the star wars clone wars stuff. its the same back in america i think.

pizza hut. this is at night so the picture isnt that good. its like 2 minutes from my home. thost scooters infront of the place are for delivery. its pretty good.

here is blockbuster. its really just like ours. they have you know candy, you can buy movies and games. there is an upstairs to this one too. its pretty cool.

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