Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Classes

So school started here, and it has been going good. At my dad's school most of the students don't go to class the first week. Some don't even come to class until at least the 3rd week of school. All of us know this really couldn't happen at UT for example because that student would be so far behind in his classes. It is just kind of weird that students would do that. Of course not all students here do that at my dad's school, but I would say most Juniors and Seniors do it. It makes it hard on the teachers too because for one thing classes are only once per week, so if a student misses two weeks worth of school that is a lot of class time. It also hurts the teachers because then they might have to explain stuff all over again to the new students coming in. It isn't just five students per class... it around 8+ students that skip class.

Anyways, so I could imagine that is annoying for the teachers. It is ok to miss class every once in awhile for whatever reason, but I am just talking about the very first class that the majority of students will not show up to class. What else.... I am not too sure yet about what I am going to do this weekend. It will be Cherry's birthday on Saturday, so we will do something with her friends. I wouldn't mind going on a bicycle ride in the countryside on Sunday, but I don't have any real plans.

Ok well that is it or now. Talk to you guys later.

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