Sunday, September 13, 2009

School Starts Soon

Well on Tuesday school will start here for university students. It started already for all the other students a few weeks ago. I think I have told you guys before, but school over here is completely different than back in the United States. I guess really just about every part of school is different. Just for some things that are different are everyone gets a lunch break at the same time, so could you imagine at UT or other schools everyone eating lunch at the same time? Another thing different is with the students textbooks. Do you remember how much you spent on textbooks for school? It depends, but I remember some of mine costing about $100 for just 1 book. Want to know how much some students pay for books here? Some are just $9... for the class textbook! It isn't for a reading book or something it is for the entire semester. But guess what? A lot of students think that is too much, so they won't buy it! Can you believe that?

A lot of teachers will make their students buy the books because if they don't the students will just share it and probably never do homework or readings. Something else that is different that I think I have said before is that guys can't go to the girl's dorm and girl's can't go to the guy's dorm. Along with that every person that lives in the dorm has a curfew to be back in the dorm at 11 PM I think. If people plan to stay out past that time, a lot of people will either stay out all night and go back to the dorm at 6 AM, when they open the dorms, or stay in a hotel and sleep for the night.

Ok, well I will talk to you guys later. I hope everything is good.

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